Cosmetology 1. To provide quality education for students in the area of Cosmetology and prepare them for successful completion of the California State Board Exam to become a state licensed Cosmetologist. This would include a complete understanding of cutting, coloring, and texture skills that will take them directly into the workplace as well as education and practice in skin and nail services to make them diverse in their skill sets. 2. To assist students in developing the business skills, human relations, customer service skills, and professional management skills vital to success in the cosmetology industry. 3. To provide students business readiness for employment and access to local small business development services for positions including hourly wage, independent contractor, and salon ownership.
The Butte College Cosmetology program is a 1600 hour course of study designed to meet the State of California Cosmetology Act. Butte currently offers the hours of study in a seven - module sequence of courses, each module six weeks in duration. By meeting required academic and attendance standards, each six-week module will result in 5 semester units of college credit. However, this curriculum is under review and starting Fall 2020 the program will be offered over three semesters and require approximately 1700 hours of instruction.
Strategy 1 - Increase instructional aides to full-time
Amount: $40,000
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes
Benefit: 2 aides were part-time and 2 aides were full-time. Increasing all four to full-time supports student success by providing coverage to meet classroom needs. Unfortunate that all funds allocated were not used as the district chose not to provide the two part time aides with benefits.
All student learning outcomes were met based on advanced certification and training that proved to be very successful in preparing students for professional careers.
Recommendations would be to implement advanced certifications that would go above and beyond licensure.
The new Cosmetology program is too new to evaluate student achievement standards for degrees and certificates awarded. We do not yet have two full years of data for number of degrees and certificates awarded.
The Student Success rate for the Cosmetology program in 2018FA is 96.1%, exceeding the college Student Success rate for that same period of 78.54%, the standard of 70%, and the 6 year goal of 74%.
The current standard for Licensure Pass Rates (ACCJC) for Cosmetology is 75% with a 2021-22 goal of 85%. The new Cosmetology program is too new to be able to evaluate trends on improvement in this area, but the State Board examination report for our first class of student graduates shows passing rates on the written and practical exams that are very high. In order to become licensed, students need to pass both the written and practical. The State Board reports show that 82% of our first graduating class who have taken examinations have passed both portions and become licensed. This is well above the college standard of 75%. We expect the results of the second graduating class to exceed the future goal of 85%.
The Cosmetology department supports the college in meeting it Strategic Direction and Priority Themes as follows:
1. Meeting enrollment targets - this program continues to be impacted with a large number of students waiting to be admitted. New classes fill within ten minutes. The department aligns with enrollment targets by continuing to establish and publish sound enrollment procedures so that all students have equal access to the program. Department faculty participate in recruitment throughout the year by attending both college, high school, and community events.
2. Meeting student achievement goals - this department is rewriting the entire curriculum for fall 2020 in order to make all content current and conducive to student learning, and to properly sequence the course material to ensure student success and the optimal learning environment within this program.
The new Cosmetology program will adhere to the program review schedule for all programs, and program review recommendations will be included in future unit plans.
The Cosmetology department should focus on curriculum revamp this next year and adjusting to offering a three semester program.
The department needs to enhance the morale and agree to standards and then all team members should adhere to those standards and policies and procedures to ensure consistency for students. This will be essential with two additional fulltime faculty coming on board.
The program still needs assistance from facilities when it comes to redesigning space in order to ensure max efficiency and FTES generation.
The program needs to apply to offer a manicuring evening program.
Strategy 1 - reclass aides to lab techs and keep all fulltime
As the enrollment grows and so do client services we see a need for more instructional aide help to support student learning. This has been essential this past year . It has also been recognized that most labs have techs rather than instructional aides . Techs are able to assume more relevant duties . It seems the IAs are actually doing the work of a lab tech so a desk audit should be done to evaluate necessary class. This will ensure that duties are not being done out of class as well.
To ensure quality education lab aides must assist in the lab and be classed appropriately.
Strategy 2 - Approval from State Board of Cosmetology and Barberbing
The college must apply to the Board for approval to offer manicuring.
This is a State requirement and the college must adhere to it.
Increase FTES
Strategy 3 - secure swf funding or district funds to ensure operating money for program
The program wil need to continue to have a budget to sustain operations and for future growth.
The program will need resources to operate and expand programs
Strategy 4 - Make Manager a supervisor
It is essential that Eileen be classified as a supervisor to supervise staff onsite and be able to make calls related to their duties and schedules.
It is way too difficult and ineffective for the off site Dean to supervise folks.
Strategy 5 - redesign facility to ensure make productivity and generate more FTES
knock down walls to enlarge classroom space
create mock state board room
enlarge manicuring and pedicure space/ventilation
If program is to stay in the current leased space modifications must be made to the floor plan to increase enrollment and prepare students for state testing
Strategy 6 - Offer manicuring program
It will be important to ensure adequate resources are given to the program when the time comes to offer a separate manicuring program. This will include equipment, supplies and faculty and aides
After nearly two years in the current facility it appears the college will only be able to offer a full cosmetology program and a night manicuring program. The facility is too tight to offer mroe programs.
Strategy 7 - evaluate reorganization of secretarial support and clerk role
Jan 2020 the dean reorganized and assigned the deans secretary to the cbc fulltime to support the client services. An evaluation of how this is working needs to be made at the end of the spring 2020 semester and modifications made if needed.
The reason for this reorganization of duties and location is efficiency. When the deans job responsibilities changed years the support structure did not so we need to continue to assess the needs and make needed changes.
Strategy 8 - Instructional Aides continue full-time for 10 months
Two instructional aides are temporarily on full-time status through May 2020. In order to support student success, continue these two aides at full-time status for the following year.
To provide sufficient classroom and lab coverage from 8-5 Monday through Friday.
Strategy 9 - two full-time faculty hires
Two full-time faculty hires have been approved to hire starting July 2020 in order to enhance program stability and leadership.
Provide stability and leadership in program.
Approval from the State is required in order to offer manicuring.
Still evaluating reorganization of secretarial support from CHC to cosmo.
Reclass of Manager to Supervisory level Manager.
2019/20 Strong Workforce Funding is being used to support the program in a variety of ways. SWF funds are supporting operating and faculty positions.
Perkins funding supported some professional development in the past and is supporting technology upgrades such as a mobile lab. A large amount was given to install a mock state board testing room.
The hope is to have support from all sources in the 20-21 year to sustain and grow future offerings.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | cosmetology | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $100,000.00 | ||
operating dollars | It is important the program has operating dollars to support maintanence, equipment and supplies. |
2 | cosmetology | Personnel | $0.00 | $20,000.00 | ||
instructional assistants to ft lab techs | The need for four FT aides is critical to the students success . The need for the aides to be reclassed to lab techs is critical in order to ensure all duties required are supported and in compliance. |
3 | cosmetology | Facilities | $0.00 | $50,000.00 | ||
redesign and modifiy current space( walls, ventialtion, mock room) | As programs grow we need to create more instructional space. Also to ensure all components of state curriculum are covered. |
4 | cosmetology | Personnel | $0.00 | $0.00 | ||
continue to evaluate reorg of deans secretarial support | reorg needed based on new demands of dean and needs of cosmo |
5 | cosmetology | Facilities | $0.00 | $0.00 | ||
approval of manicuring program | approval to offer manicuring and generate FTES and provide additional pathway |
6 | cosmetology | Personnel | $0.00 | $5,000.00 | ||
manager to supervisor | The Manager needs to be classified as a supervisor in order to manage classified staff onsite. |
7 | cosmetology | Personnel | $0.00 | $40,000.00 | ||
continue funding aides at fulltime (2) | This past year the two part time aides were with Perkins funding hired a ten months ft no benefits. This funding needs to continue to provide the qualify education we are offering students and ensure SLOs are met. |
8 | cosmetology | Personnel | $0.00 | $236,000.00 | ||
2 fulltime faculty hires fall 2020 | Two hires approved to move program forward and provide leadership and stability in program. |